Saturday, January 1, 2011

Proverbs 1 - So 'this' is how to become wise? Yes, it's in there!

This is a daily look into The Proverbs. I lost count of how many times I have posted this 31 day series, so I will just declare the the next round is starting again now. (ding, ding)

Since yesterday was the first of the month,  we will begin with chapter one and I'll repost today's chapter later.  Every day until we finish, you are invited to join us in reading one chapter per day.  

I recommend reading it after asking God what He wants you to get from it and then jotting down the anything that resonate in your spirit.

In His Awesomeness, God is able to communicate with us individually and uniquely using His Word. So how cool would it be to see what others are gleaning from studying the same text over the next month?  I’d love to know.

A few years ago, I remember seeing a sweet long time colleague that I hadn’t seen in a while named Darlene..  When she asked how I had been, I said to "God is Good!"  To that she replied, “Oh yeah??? I’d like to hear about what He’s been up to these days.”  

Well, that's kinda how I'm feeling now. Let's share! It will be a fine way to get ready for 2013.

Eucolia Erby, Sr. * aka Granddaddy
All of my study will come from the very first Bible translation that I ever got.  It was the Children’s Living Bible and presented to me by my Grandfather, Eucolia Erby, three days after I got baptized in October 1974.  I have since gone through the original binding after 36 years, but thanks to An Awesome God and Amazon, I have a couple of backup copies now!

Proverbs chapter one... Hmmm, what can I say?  

What a wonderful foundation!  Because this is so good, I typed the following scriptures to illustrate the need for such a study.   I have a lot today.  But seriously...A foundation provides the stability to support the weight of its structure.  So who do you know that has successfully built  a mansion on a foundation the size of a shed?
I'm just saying...

Proverbs 1

1  These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, David’s son:

2  He wrote them to teach his people how to live-how to act in every circumstance,

3  for he wanted them to be understanding, just and fair in everything they did.

4  “I want to make the simple minded wise!” he said. “I want to warn young men about some problems they will face.

5-6  I want those already wise to become wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.”

7-9  “How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence The LORD! Only fools refuse to be taught.
 Listen to your father and mother.  What you learn from them will stand you in good stead; it will gain you many honors.

17  When a bird sees a trap being set, it stays away.

20  Wisdom shouts in the streets for a hearing.

23  Come here and listen to me!  I’ll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you, and make you wise.

24  I have called you so often but still you won’t come.  I have pleaded but all in vain.

29  For you closed your eyes to the facts and did not choose to reverence and trust The LORD.

33  But all who listen to me shall live in peace and safety, unafraid.
All of these spoke to me collectively and inspired me to continue into  Proverbs for this third time.  While I love all of this knowledge, my favorite verses are 23 and 33.  Both are awesome promises!

Which verses moved you?  Which translation are you using?

Please understand that your verses need not be the same ones already discussed or they may be.  

In fact, if they aren't the same, just imagine how rich this could be with multiple contributions?!  

You never know, this could be life changing for people who happen upon it, so please feel free to share.  

That’s our job as Kingdom Builders. Right?

Big Blessings to You!!! Enjoy this treat by Donald Lawrence. Thanks for reading and sharing the Love!




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