1 Happy is the man with a level-headed son; sad the mother of a rebel.
2 Ill-gotten gain brings no lasting happiness; right
living does.
3 The LORD will not let a good man starve to death, nor
will he let the wicked man’s riches continue forever.
4 Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich.
5 A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a
shame to see a lad who sleeps away his hour of opportunity.
6 The good man is covered with blessings from head to
foot, but an evil man inwardly curses his luck.
7 We all have happy memories of good men gone to their
reward, but the names of wicked men stink after them.
9 A good man has firm footing but a crook will slip and
10 Winking at sin leads to sorrow, bold reproof leads to
11 There is living truth in what a good man says, but the
mouth of the evil man is filled with curses.
12 Hatred stirs old quarrels, but love overlooks insults.
13 Men with common sense are admired as counselors; those
without it are beaten as servants.
14 A wise man holds his tongue. Only a fool blurts out
everything he knows; that only leads to sorrow and trouble.
15 The rich man’s wealth is his only strength. The poor
man’s poverty is his only curse.
16 The good man’s earnings advance the cause of
righteousness. The evil man squanders his on sin.
17 Anyone willing to be corrected is on the pathway to
life. Anyone refusing has lost his chance.
19 Don’t talk so much.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the
20 When a good man speaks, he is worth listening to, but
the words of fools are a dime a dozen.
21 A godly man gives good advice but a rebel is destroyed
by lack of common sense.
23 A fool’s fun is being bad; a wise man’s fun is being wise!
24 The wicked man’s fears will all come true, and so will
the good man’s hopes.
25 Disaster strikes like a cyclone and the wicked are
whirled away. But the good man has a strong anchor.

27 Reverence for GOD adds hours to each day, so how can
the wicked expect a long, good life?
28 The hope of good men is eternal happiness; the hopes of evil men are all in vain.
29 GOD protects the upright but destroys the wicked.
31 The good man gives wise advice, but the liar’s counsel is shunned.
32 The upright speak what is helpful; the wicked speak rebellion.
Text: Children's Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers 1972
Photo Credits: Google Images
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