Don’t brag about your plans for tomorrow – wait and see
what happens.
2 Don’t praise yourself; let others do it!
3 A rebel’s frustrations are heavier than sand and rocks.
4 Jealousy is more dangerous and cruel than anger.
5 Open rebuke is better than hidden love!
6 Wounds from a friend are better than kisses from an
7 Even honey seems tasteless to a man who is full; but if
he is hungry, he’ll eat anything!
8 A man who strays from home is like a bird that wanders
from its nest.
9 Friendly suggestions are as pleasant as perfume.
10 Never abandon a friend – either yours of your
father’s. Then you won’t need to go to a distant relative for help in your time
of need.
11 My son, how happy I will be if you turn out to be
sensible! It will be a public honor to me.
12 A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares
to meet them. The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences.
13 The world’s poorest credit risk is the man who agrees
to pay a stranger’s debts.

15 A constant dripping on a rainy day and a cranky woman
are much alike!
16 You can no more stop her complaints than you can stop
the wind or hold onto anything with oil-slick hands.
17 A friendly discussion is as stimulating as the sparks
that fly when iron strikes iron.
18 A workman may eat from the orchard he tends;
anyone should be rewarded who protects anothers' interests.

20 Ambition and death are alike in this: neither is ever
21 The purity of silver and gold can be tested in a
crucible but a man is tested by his reaction to men’s praise.
22 You can’t separate a rebel from his foolishness though
you crush him to powder.

25,26,27 then there will be lamb’s wool enough for
clothing and goat’s milk enough for food for all your household after the hay
is harvested and the new crop appears and the mountain grasses are gathered in.
Text: Children's Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishing 1972
Photo Credits: Google Images
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